When I bought my camera, I wasn't too sure in what sort of photography genre that I would like to concentrate on. I just didn't want to take any sort of pictures as that would seem so aimless. I tried event photography but the other photographers were too aggressive and fierce. So I followed another photographer by the nick of "klguy" out and he was willing to teach me the wonders of macro photography.
What is Macro Photography? According to my favorite source of information - the Wiki,
"Macro photography is close-up photography; the classical definition is that the image projected on the "film plane" (i.e., film or a digital sensor) is close to the same size as the subject. On 35 mm film (for example), the lens is typically optimized to focus sharply on a small area approaching the size of the film frame. Most 35mm format macro lenses achieve at least 1:2, that is to say, the image on the film is 1/2 the size of the object being photographed. Many 35mm macro lenses are 1:1, meaning the image on the film is the same size as the object being photographed. Another important distinction is that lenses designed for macro are usually at their sharpest at macro focus distances and are not quite as sharp at other focus distances."
I also developed a love for taking these sort of photos as the camera lens managed to capture many other colors, features and details that our human naked eye cannot capture. If you have read up my blog, you will be able to see my macro photos under the tag "nature"
In www.shutterasia.com/forum , there is a special topic dedicated to wildlife and there are a group of macro professionals in there who contribute their pictures for us to enjoy. One of them is liewwk who loves to take photos of insects closed up. His photos are simply amazing! This is one of his threads of one of my interests...
Below photo is taken by liewwk and you may view more here ...
Besides liewwk, there are also other macro sifus available such as klguy (my 1st sifu), Orionmystery, LordMint, nfariz8, jkc, caveman, ckchowov and many more. They take all sorts of insects and not just the ones in XXX positions.
Here are some of the photos that they took...
This is by OrionMystery....He is a really patient guy with sharp eyes...that's y he can capture such moments...
OM always advises us to maintain eye contact of the insect when we shoot macro. Hence, most of his photos has insects eyes contact maintained with the camera's focal point.
This is a Macro shot taken by ckchowov....beautiful, isn't it?
This spider is taken by nfariz8....our naked eye will never be able to see these eyes on the spider...amazing, isn't it?

These ones are taken by my sifu, klguy...
Here is one taken by LordMint...
Here are some of my favorite shots...
1 comment:
wow...they really like shooting xxx pose one hahaha...anyway i love the photos taken!!! they're alot of sifus out there...i'm still an amatuer since i js bought my G9 today! I'm so EXCITED!!!! argfhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
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